CalmFlow Instruction Manual / GPT Slack Bot Instructions

1. Make sure the installation is complete.

Install the CalmFlow GPT Slack Bot by following the installation guide on the GPT Slack bot page. If it is installed correctly both installation statuses on the top of the page will be green.

2. Run CalmFlow from within your Slack workspace.

Common Use Cases

  1. Summarize weekly activity in a channel.
  2. Draft a blog post or FAQ article from a discussion thread.
  3. Pull action items out of a lengthy discussion. Slack is not the best place for tasks and todos to live (since they won’t have an assignee or due date). Call CalmFlow to periodically scan your conversations and identify any clear action items that might need to be assigned or followed up on in your task management app.

Known Limitations

  1. Inability to read links that are shared in a channel or thread.
  2. Inability to use it in a private direct message.